Pat Munro Foundation Annual Golf Day raises over £7,000 for local charities and community groups
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We were delighted to hold our annual Golf Day at Invergordon Golf Club last month and an amazing £7,514 was raised which will be match funded by Pat Munro. The money will go towards helping local charities and worthy causes across the areas in which we operate.
Each year the event is supported by a growing number of local businesses and individuals who give generously whether that be through sponsorship, donations for raffle and auction prizes or volunteering to help on the day.
This year’s Handicap winners were Calder Electrical, and the Half-Cut Highlanders took the prize for Scratch winners. It’s always a competitive, fun event with all teams battling hard for the trophy with the overall aim of raising as much money as possible for local community groups and worthy causes across our region.
Hamish Little, Pat Munro Homes Development Manager who organises the annual Golf Day said:
The day was a huge success, and I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who came together to make this happen including:
Invergordon Golf Club for being amazing hosts
All the teams who entered and made the day so enjoyable
Our main sponsor Newton Property Management and Nynas for very kindly being the Prize Sponsor
All our hole sponsors
Everyone who donated a raffle or auction prize
All our volunteers who helped to make the day such a success
Travis Perkins for very kindly donating a four ball for the winning team.
Without all of you this couldn’t have happened, and we really appreciate your support.
If you are a local charity, community group or club and have a project you think we can support then please contact The Pat Munro Foundation. We are open for applications now. or email