Pat Munro Major Projects put scrap metal to good use
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Pat Munro Major Projects in Inverness and Morrison Construction recently donated 200 Pounds to Elgin Street Pastors from the sale of scrap metal whilst carrying out construction works at RAF Lossiemouth in Moray. Both teams were offered the scrap for themselves, but they decided to put it to good use, sell it and donate the proceeds to charity.
Elgin Street Pastors provide a vital service. Each Saturday night a team of 4-6 street pastors, go out from 10pm until 4am in Elgin town centre, to listen, show care and help. They offer practical ways of giving time unconditionally to listen, caring for those who have become separated from friends by staying with them and helping them to find their friends or get home safely.
Gordon Methven, Coordinator at Elgin Street Pastors said;
It’s great to know local businesses value the work we do, and we really appreciate their support. All donations go towards our ongoing running costs such as supplies and training.
Pat Munro’s Major Projects team will continue construction & civil engineering work at RAF Lossiemouth in the coming months as the Moray base undergoes a series of major improvements, future proofing it for years to come.